
What I Want from Alphabet's Tech Utopian City

According to Android Authority, Alphabet, Google's holding company, is looking to create a 21st century tech city. Along with Google, Alphabet holds a bunch of smaller companies. One of these is Sidewalk Labs, which looks to improve city living through technology. Tackling problems such as overcrowding, energy usage, transportation, and connectivity, Sidewalk Labs, and by extension Alphabet, are looking for a likely candidate to transform.

Regardless of what city they choose, imagine a tech giant, especially Alphabet, taking complete control in designing a city's infrastructure. Imagine what could be accomplished! Of course, with Google's connections with Fiber and Project Fi, I can only imagine that they would have city-wide public Internet. I'm curious if Google will be able to secure a network that large, however. Something else to keep in mind is that a city like this would be a haven for self-driving car testing. I could for sure see a city such as this becoming the breeding ground for self-driving cars.

These are the obvious things, but there are less conventional things I would love to see in a tech utopia such as this. Firstly, a central transport system that is easy and cheap to access. Trains are crowded and nobody wants to drive with all that traffic in big cities. Alphabet has the resources to get around this problem, and I want to see them be creative with it. Second, it'd be really interesting to see what they could do in terms of laws and electing officials. If it is a true city, a mayor would need to be elected as well as other city officials. Would Alphabet look to unconventional methods in terms of the voting process as well? And could these methods be adopted into larger forms of election?

Alphabet City, while terribly capitalistic, could result in amazing technical innovation. I would certainly move there.


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